Wifi analyzer app
Wifi analyzer app

wifi analyzer app

However, especially for those with little training or experience, trudging through the rather more opaque outputs of the command line takes a lot more mental energy and patience than a nicely designed dashboard like Fing’s requires. Some of the information an app like Fing displays can be obtained by running a few commands from the command line. Most importantly, WiFi analyzers like Fing make network analysis accessible to laypeople and enthusiasts by displaying human-readable information about your network and its devices. Network and WiFi Analyzer for iOS and Android | Fing Review What is Fing?įing is a network and WiFi analyzer app for Android and iOS that simplifies the process of network analysis. We discuss its strengths and weaknesses as well as alternatives like Ubiquiti's Wifiman.

wifi analyzer app

Fing is a network and WiFi analyzer for iOS and Android.

Wifi analyzer app